Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I am SUPER thankful to be able to stay home(during the day) and raise my girls.  Spending the day cuddling & watching them grow is THE BEST thing I could ever ask for! 

I am thankful that Wayne's tests came back clear.

I am Thankful for great friends that still believe in the old school barter & trade system...3 hair cuts for one cheesecake (and she even share it with us ...she ROCKS)

I am thankful that a dear friend of ours is doing much better now...after he scared the living crap out of all of us earlier in the week by going into Cardiac Arrest. I am also very thankful he was already at an appointment in the hospital when this happened, so there was minimal damage.

I am thankful to see the sun shine today and have my fingers crossed the the weather people have their forcast backwards and plan to remove 10-50cm's of snow tomorrow