Monday, January 31, 2011

Ahhh Monday already?

Oh what an exhausting weekend.  I have been fighting some kind of sickness all know that icky feeling you get just before something kicks the crap out of you... I am not sick yet...nor do I plan to be ---I DO NOT Have time for sickness!  lol
It was my weekend to work which puts me on a 13 day stretch (because I got called in on my "weekend off" ) and I had 2 cake orders to do...a huge mess of a house (thank you mother nature I just love snow days *roll of the eyes*) and some unexpected hate mail from Wayne's ex just to stir the pot....I got hardly any sleep all weekend.
But I got it all done (except for the house)and today I look forward to cuddling up with Ava on the couch and snoozing while she watches some cartoons. 
A birthday cake

A baby shower cake

I really hope to get back into a routine this week...with NO snow days.
My goal is to get the house in shape room by room  for our (Wayne & I) birthday party on Saturday....while juggling my everyday lists of  "must-do's"  and still enjoy some time blogging.


  1. I can totally relate to the snow days messing up the schedule around here. We're expected to get even more snow this week -- arg!!

    Stay warm over there and I hope you're able to get some rest. :-)

  2. Good luck! We are on blizzard watch over here!

  3. We are forcasted for another 30-40cm of snow on Wednesday (11.81-15.74inches)


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