I have been taking Ava to the Tots Program as usual....I joined a book club FOR ME, that was pretty exciting. I haven't had "mom time" in awhile with my crazy work schedule. My first book was "Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Tracy Chevalier . It was okay but it wasn't great, there wasn't much to really talk about BUT the ladies were awesome and made me feel super welcome. We're reading "Best Friends Forever" by Jennifer Weiner for next months meeting. I have read her stuff before and it's sweet. She wrote the book "In Her Shoes" that they based the Carmeron Diaz movie from and "My Sisters Keeper" as well.
Umm let's see where else has March gone?? There was "March Break"for Ainsley which was just chaos :o ...I have done a few cakes...
I went shopping in Calais...and I have been planning and organizing fundraisers for the annual Walk for Autism.
All month I have been going through closets, toys, dressers etc pulling out stuff and photographing it to post on an Online Yardsale I set up, all proceeds are going to our Community Autism Centre. I (and one of my favmani-pedis, chocolate facials, make up and snacks for donations. I'm really looking forward to it and hope for a big turn out...maybe it will also become an annual event :)
And besides all that I am trying to keep up with my usual housework, Ainsley's schooling, entertaining Ava and working ....but still Where DID March go? I'm frightened to think how fast April will breeze by....I guess the old saying "In like a Lion and out like a Lamb" most definitely suits March 2011 for me.