Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Eve Spa day with the lil's

 Wayne & I generally don't travel too far on New Year's be honest we'll generally are sound asleep before the 9pm on this I planned to stay in with my lil's and to make it a special event we had a Spa Day.

First we had to start with some nostalgia ( for Mom's sake, not really spa related at all) so we opened the plaster kits, that their Aunt Kim & Nanny Cindy sent down from Niagra Falls, and did handprint castings with their names and 2011 marked in them.   Maybe I'll be able to organize this as a regular tradition to see just how much they grow over the years.

Then we went straight from the mess to the bath tub where they had a bubble bath and body scrub....a very overdue process but time just escapes me during the holidays.
Then out to get a massage with their new lotion...into fresh clothes and headed downstairs for a light snack and the mani/pedi's....then the "fancy" hair-do's.

Ava is such a HAM! lol

My mom ended up taking the girls for a sleepover with their cousins so Wayne & I ventured out to do a little bit of visiting and even managed to ring in our 1st New Year in the 9.5yrs we've been together!!! 

 Welcome 2011!    


Hopefully My first blog hop is a success and I will get lots of new visitors and maybe even some new followers...but mostly I look forward to some helpful tips & advice.
Being a new blogger I am totally overwhelmed with all the creativity of all the new and BEAUTIFUL blogs I have linked from one-to-the-next. It amazes me how unique & different each and everyone is from the next.
Things from the wonderful names of the blogs personal favorite is Fur Lined Toilet Seats (LOVE her writing too, Thanks Fatima!) the gorgeous layouts and beautiful buttons...the giveaways/reviews ....and the list could go on and on.
I am in head over feet in this blogging world and have so much to learn!  Please feel free to leave a comment, feedback is WELCOMED with wide open arms!

This year I'd like:
  •  to learn how to make/design a button?
  • become more confident in my writing
  • build a network of wonderful blogging friends (aka followers)